Friday, December 12, 2014

Artist Statement for Imovie Project

“We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”

~Lucy Maud Montgomery
When we began this collaboration, we struggled to come up with a concept that spoke to all of us.  Originally we had discussed the topics of abortion, adoption, and addiction. We tried to tie all of these ideas together, but in the end, we could all agree that experiences, good and bad, are universal. Every human being grapples with what to take out of life. Our film seeks to examine how our collective experiences, no matter how fraught with pain or remorse, are the experiences that shape us.  We used Dorianne Laux’s poem, Antilamentation as our script for this film. Laux’s poem beautifully underscores the idea that regret is wasted, and that what matters most is how we move forward into the present. 
From the very beginning, we wanted to create a film that was visually poetic. One of the ways we tried to achieve this was through the use of slow motion.  The effect forces the viewer to linger within the scene, to listen and reflect.  Laux’s poem is essentially about reflecting, and we remained sensitive to this fact.  For instance, we use time-lapse footage to bring this idea to the fore.  It is when her counterpart joins our “woman”, that the world moves in real-time again, successfully conveying the psychological move from regretting the past to being in the present.  Many of our scenes strip away extraneous material in order to capture only the most important information.  We have tried in this way to focus on our character’s experiences and feelings.
We really wanted to emphasize the mood of the poem through lighting, obscuring the face of our actors, and editing. Lighting was an important strategy in our film.  We used natural light, stage lighting, silhouetting, dim lighting, and mood lighting.  We used it at different parts in the film to convey calm, angst, hurt, and intense loneliness.  Because we wanted to allow the viewer to relate to these emotions, we kept our actors “faceless.”  Through editing, we were able to add several elements that added to the feel of the film.  Our song, Brian Eno’s Emerald and Stone, was added to give the film a gentle pacing and a background for the voice over, a narration of Laux’s Antilamentation. We also added transitions, like “fade to black” for the pivotal point in the poem when our narrator commands “relax.” Because each scene was critical for conveying the content of the poem, we worked to tie the music, film clips and voice-over together in a way that felt natural and seamless. 
This film project was a long and complicated process that was not without its challenges.  However, the resulting film is a creative endeavor that we are all very proud to share. “Antilamentation” is a labor of great time and love, and one that we can all agree, we don’t regret.   

Behind the Scenes of the Imovie Project

Some of the crazy things that happened during the course of this project:

1. Pulled an all-nighter in the Calder Art Center the day before our debut in class, eating ramen from   a questionably clean bowl
2. Threw two TVs out a second story window; searched in the grass for the bits of shattered glass
3. Illicitly filmed a smoking scene in the stairwell of Calder Art Center
4. Stood downtown in the cold to capture the perfect time-lapse footage for our film

Some seriously interesting times... interesting times.  Thanks to Evan and Jodi for their hard work, vision and fun on this project. 

Next post: Our long-awaited movie!

Imovie Project

So, we have spent countless hours putting together this imovie project for my Digital Creativity class. And can I say, that I am relieved to be done!  I worked with the ever committed and dedicated Jodi and Evan, who did a fabulous job editing this film so that it would be the most perfectly, poetic piece to have ever graced a blog anywhere. 

I have to be honest in saying that this was the most frustrating group project I have ever worked on, what with the driving here and there to get specific film shots, the late nights, and the technical difficulties that arose while trying to work with the imovie program.  Again, just so glad to be done...

What I have learned about filming a movie:
1. You can never really plan how a shot will work out, it is mostly a venture of faith
2. Filming is really involved; a lot of work goes into the perfect shot
3. The importance of lighting cannot be overstated
4. When you think you are done, you are not, how silly to have thought you were done in the first  
    place, there is still more to do, get back to work, YOU ARE NOT DONE!
5. I am really not that interested in filming (Although, I will continue to love watching films and appreciating the craft...)

But for now, WE ARE ACTUALLY DONE! And that is something to celebrate... probably by taking one very large nap.

Stay tuned, I will post the video and the artist statement soon. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Artist Statement

  Our Finished Animation Project!

It was a challenging project, but we completed it! Our artist statement follows...

Artist Statement
Kelsey Clapp &
Christina Stephenson

The Tale of Two Wolves

For our Flash Animation project, we created a retelling of a traditional Cherokee tale, The Tale of Two Wolves.  We wanted to animate the tale in such a way that it was reminiscent of how storytellers from all different cultural traditions share tales.  The collaborative nature of this project meant that we needed to rely on stylistic devices to create a sense of cohesion.  

We each cut silhouettes out of black paper and used them as our characters.  Each of us chose to design one of the wolves in a way that we thought best embodied their characteristics.  Kelsey animated the “bad wolf,” and Christina animated the “good wolf.”  Our goal was to create distinct characters, and at the same time, for them to have a similar look and feel, and with the cut paper, we achieved that.  We utilized a lot of the same background images as well, and relied on a dynamic color scheme to convey emotion. We also wanted to convey emotion by using sound.

An appropriate sound was important to us.  We wanted to create an authentic feel for our story, and so we chose to include a Native American flute soundtrack.  The subtle music successfully conveys a sense of the cultural setting as well as the emotional feeling we were looking for. 

While we chose a traditional Cherokee tale, we allowed ourselves ample room to explore how to incorporate original artwork.  We did not want to simply appropriate images and words from the Cherokee culture, and we tried to be as sensitive to the fact that appropriation carries ethical consequences.  Overall, what we created is a unique retelling of a wonderful tale.

The Tale of Two Wolves -Flash Animation Project

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We have been discussing creativity in one of my classes, and the topic has been the theme on which we ruminate all semester.  At the beginning of the class I felt that our discussions were contrived, often the result of structured readings and assignments that require a certain narrow focus in order to shed light on an upcoming project or assignment.  Read this paper on creativity, then read this one, and the like.  And there is nothing wrong with beginning discussions about creativity this way, but it does seem counter-intuitive to approach the topic through the lens of just one discipline. And I was reminded this week of the fact that the discussion of creativity is being carried out in several different disciplines. 

When I was a middle schooler, I fell in love with the music of Yanni, a new age pianist (though the descriptor seems too narrow still) who has performed all over the world.  I didn't know it then, but his music was an ongoing discussion about the creativity of humankind. 

Yep, this is the guy I would have a fan crush on for quite awhile when other kids my age were following the Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC and Brittney Spears.  I still have a huge place in my heart for his music. (True Story: When I was a freshman in high school art class, we were asked to paint a portrait of somebody who had influenced us and then use wacky colors to explore color families or something like that. Of course, I chose Yanni. I was elated when they chose my portrait to hang in the guidance counseling office until one of my classmates had asked why somebody had drawn a portrait of Mr. Thornton, one of our guidance counselors. To my chagrin, my Yanni portrait did indeed look like Mr. Thornton, and forever after, when I would see him walking the halls of our school, my heart would throb and I would blush as though it were actually Yanni walking by.) 

If you have time, I suggest you watch this video of a live interview conducted with Yanni not too long ago.  What he sharess about his creative process and the creativity of all individuals echoes what I believe, and is an example of a discussion on creativity that is happening outside of the classroom. He starts to talk about creativity right around 12:08 or so. I like the way he describes creativity as surrendering to the unknown, and how he reiterates over and over that it requires no judgement in order to make room for dreams and ideas to be created.  For me, the discussion of creativity has always been implicit in his music anyway.  It is implicit in this composition, Nightingale, one of his most popular to date. Until next time, let this music float you to sleep or inspire you in your next creative drought. Goodnight!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Here is the updated storyboard that I worked on with my partner, Kelsey.  I can't wait to see how we flesh this out in the coming weeks!